Business Plan / Strategic Document

Collective Church Inc.

Mission Statement:

Connecting People to God and Faith Communities through Missional cafes open every day, Daily Communion opportunities, Community Dinners, Alpha Courses, Discipleship Groups, and Interest Groups in Collaboration with Local Churches.

I. Introduction:

Collective Church Inc. is a registered not-for-profit organisation dedicated to fulfilling God's mission by connecting people to God and faith communities. We operate church cafes across Australia, serving as connection points for local communities to become part of God's kingdom. We emphasise daily communion, community engagement, and collaboration with local churches. Our desire is to make the church accessible every day for every one.

Collective Church Inc. is driven by a profound mission: to make the church accessible to everyone, every day. We recognise that traditional church structures might not always meet the diverse needs of our communities. Therefore, we have embraced the concept of church cafes, transforming everyday spaces into sanctuaries of connection, faith, and fellowship.

Why Cafes?

Cafes provide an inviting, non-intimidating environment where individuals can encounter God's love and grace. They serve as inclusive spaces, welcoming people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and beliefs. Our cafes are not just places to enjoy a cup of coffee; they are vibrant hubs of spirituality, where conversations about faith, community, and purpose naturally unfold. We firmly believe that by meeting people where they are – in the heart of their daily lives – we can touch lives that may never walk through the doors of a traditional Sunday service.

Through the fusion of spirituality and everyday living, we aim to dissolve barriers, eliminate exclusivity, and foster genuine connections. Collective Church Inc. is more than an organization; it is a movement dedicated to breaking down walls and building bridges, one cup of coffee at a time. Join us in this transformative journey as we create accessible, welcoming spaces for everyone to encounter God, connect with one another, and find purpose in their lives. Together, we can make every day an opportunity for spiritual growth and community belonging.

II. Organisational Structure:

  • Leadership: Governed by a Board of dedicated individuals committed to the mission.

  • Cafe Staff: Employ Christians who love God and people, ensuring a positive and welcoming environment.

  • Collaborative Network: Partner with local churches to offer Sunday services for those seeking traditional worship.

  • Collective Church Inc. operates within a robust and accountable framework, being a proud member of the Australian Christian Churches movement. This affiliation ensures that our beliefs align with established Christian doctrines and principles while allowing us to contribute meaningfully to the broader Christian community in Australia.

  • Elder-Led Locations: Embracing a New Testament leadership structure, each of our cafe churches is overseen by a team of elders. These respected individuals provide spiritual guidance, ensuring that our ministry remains rooted in biblical teachings. Their wisdom and experience enrich our community, fostering an atmosphere of deep spiritual understanding and growth. By adhering to this model, we not only honor tradition but also create a supportive environment where both leaders and congregants actively participate in the shared journey of faith.

  • Through our alignment with the Australian Christian Churches movement and our adherence to the wisdom of elders, Collective Church Inc. stands as a testament to the strength of unified, accountable, and spiritually grounded organizational leadership. We believe that this approach fosters a harmonious community, allowing us to fulfill our mission of connecting people to God and faith communities effectively.

III. Core Values:

  • At Collective Church Inc., our core values are deeply rooted in the transformative power of practicing the way of Jesus. We firmly believe in the principles of "Being with Jesus, Becoming like Jesus, and Doing what He did."

  • Being with Jesus:

  • We understand the importance of cultivating a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Through prayer, meditation, and worship, we strive to be in constant communion with our Savior. By immersing ourselves in His teachings and presence, we gain spiritual insight, wisdom, and the capacity to love unconditionally.

  • Becoming like Jesus:

  • Our commitment extends beyond mere belief; we actively seek to emulate the character of Jesus in our lives. Through acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness, we aspire to embody His love for humanity. By nurturing a Christ-like character, we inspire others and create a welcoming space for spiritual growth and transformation.

  • Doing What Jesus Did:

  • We are dedicated to following the example set by Jesus through practical, tangible actions. By engaging in community service, supporting the vulnerable, and advocating for social justice, we actively demonstrate God's love to the world. We believe that faith without action is incomplete; thus, we strive to be agents of positive change in our communities.

We follow the pattern of the early church in the 4 foundational pillars of practise.

  • Theological Teaching: Provide sound theological teaching from trusted preachers and teachers.

  • Fellowship: Foster a community committed to caring for one another and meeting each other's needs.

  • Communion: Emphasise the importance of coming together, breaking bread, and connecting with God.

  • Prayer: Encourage both personal and corporate prayer, relying on God's strength through humility and faith.

IV. Programs and Services:

  • Daily Communion: Offer daily communion to provide a clear and biblical way to connect people to God.

  • Community Engagement: Facilitate discipleship groups, friendship circles, and interest groups daily, encouraging deeper connections.

  • Shared Dinners: Organise regular communal dinners where attendees share meals, listen to sermons, and encourage one another.

  • Online Faith Growth Platforms: Create online content, including podcasts, videos, and interactive forums, to enable individuals to grow in their faith remotely. These digital resources will provide accessible, enriching content that fosters spiritual development, encouraging a deeper understanding of God's word and promoting active engagement within the faith community. By leveraging technology, we aim to reach a broader audience, supporting their faith journeys regardless of their physical location or schedule.

V. Financial Sustainability:

  • Self-Sustainable Cafes: Generate revenue through cafes, employing Christians passionate about the mission.

  • Financial Transparency: Utilise cafe profits to sustain operations and channel tithes and offerings to help the poor and marginalised.

  • Supporting Faith Communities: Assist individuals in finding local churches while fostering connections within the community.

  • FIG Op-Shop Initiatives: Operate and establish FIG Op-Shops to help those in need, combat the world's fast fashion pollution, and raise funds to fulfil the mission. FIG Op-Shops serve a dual purpose: they offer affordable clothing and essentials to the community while promoting sustainable practices by recycling and reusing items. The revenues generated from FIG Op-Shops directly contribute to our mission, funding outreach programs, community-building efforts, and initiatives connecting people with God and faith communities. By actively participating in environmental sustainability and social welfare, these op-shops embody our commitment to holistic community support and environmental stewardship.

  • Crowd-Funded Not-for-Profit Model: We Embrace a crowd-funded approach, where the collective support of passionate individuals fuels our mission. By inviting people to invest in our vision, we establish a community-driven financial backbone. This model ensures that our resources are sourced from those who believe in our cause, creating a sense of ownership and shared responsibility among our supporters. It also allows us to remain independent, focusing on our mission without compromising our values.

Through this crowd-funded not-for-profit model, we cultivate a network of dedicated supporters who share our passion for making the church accessible and inclusive. Their contributions, whether large or small, enable us to sustain our operations, expand our initiatives, and continue our vital work of connecting people to God and faith communities. Together, we are not just funding a mission; we are building a movement, where every supporter plays a crucial role in shaping the future of The Church Collectively.

Join our partnership community and help us reach people that the traditional church system may not be able to reach.

VI. Expansion and Growth:

  • Slow, Deep Growth: Prioritise slow, deep growth, focusing on building strong disciples of Jesus who can, in turn, disciple others.

  • Reconciliation and Community Building: Center efforts on reconciling people to God and fostering a supportive and inclusive community open to everyone.

VII. Future Vision:

Collective Church Inc. aspires to create a network of church cafes throughout Australia, collaborating with local churches to strengthen faith communities and reconcile people to God. By adhering to our core values and emphasising community, we aim to create a lasting impact, one connection at a time.

We will strategically place cafes in the heart of communities, near 3-5 life-giving churches. This intentional placement allows us to collaborate closely with these churches, creating a network of support. When individuals seek deeper spiritual experiences than what we offer, we can seamlessly connect them with these nearby congregations.

Additionally, our cafes become not only a space for connection but also a source of employment for people from these churches. By building these organic relationships within the community, we strengthen the bonds between our organization and the existing churches. This collaborative approach ensures that Collective Church Inc. serves as a bridge, guiding individuals toward the spiritual nourishment they seek within the larger, supportive framework of local congregations. Through these strategic alliances, we cultivate a thriving ecosystem of faith and community support.


Collective Church Inc. is not just a missional organisation; it is a movement aimed at transforming lives, one communion, one conversation, and one community at a time. Through our unique approach to church cafes, we are not only feeding bodies but nourishing souls, creating a space where people can find God, find one another, and find purpose. Join us in this inspiring journey of faith, fellowship, and transformation. Together, we can build a stronger, more connected community under God's grace and love.